Andrea Eppolito | Celebrating Life, Luxury, & Above All Else Love

Nobody Cares, Work Harder (and Smarter)

Episode Summary

Nobody Care, Work Harder. And Smarter. During my "sick leave" I really struggled with the idea of not producing content the way that I was previously. I kept hearing this voice in my head saying, "Nobody care, work harder" and I needed to blend that with my need to self care while I managed my health. So here we are, working smarter and harder.

Episode Notes

Nobody Care, Work Harder.  And Smarter.

During my "sick leave" I really struggled with the idea of not producing content the way that I was previously.  I kept hearing this voice in my head saying, "Nobody care, work harder" and I needed to blend that with my need to self care while I managed my health.    So here we are, working smarter and harder.